MSA 10091378 Replacement Kit Power Module with Telemetry | No Sales Tax and Free Shipping
MSA 10091378 Replacement Kit Power Module with Telemetry | $2,996.97 | No Sales Tax and Free Shipping
MSA A2 Software offers the ability to customize your SCBA to meet your SOP, analyze use data, as well as provides a simple, reliable method to enhance firefighter safety and accountability
on the fire scene by monitoring firefighters’ status remotely from incident command.
Customize your G1 SCBA:
- Incorporate personnel or location information
- Confirgure alarm settings, user settings, HUD settings, and more
Review incident data:
- Date
- Duration
- Air used
- Alarm status
- And more
When utilizing the A2 Software to monitor the fire scene, receive critical information from the firefighter:
- Name
- Team assignment
- Cylinder pressure
- Service-time remaining
- PASS alarms (motion or manual)
- Thermal alarms
- Battery status
- Radio connectivity
- Evacuation acknowledgement
- And Much More
Each base station can monitor up to 50 firefighters
Intuitive and easy to use
Two-way evacuation feature
Fire Service
General Industry
Oil & Gas